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Instructions for Line Departments (Technical Education, Medical Education, AAYUSH etc) Close

1. Department of Higher Education, Department of Technical Education, Department of Medical Education, Department of Indian Systems of Medicines are the nodal Line departments for scholarships at State level.

2. Line departments have been advised to nominate two officers as State Scholarship Nodal Officers. They will be responsible for coordinating with all institutions under their domain.

3. All line departments have been requested to provide the verified and authentic data on institutions and approved courses centrally in following formats to portal team and SC/ST/OBC dept.
   a. Format for recognized Institutions to be provided by Line Depts

   Note: One college will appear only once in the following table

Name of Line Department:--------------------

S.No. College / Institution Code College / Institution Name College / Institution Address District Institute Type (Govt. / Private)

   b. Format for recognized Courses

   Note: One Courses and branch will appear only once in the following table

Name of Line Department:--------------------

S.No. Course Code Course Name Branch Name Course Level (UG, PG, Diploma, PG Diploma) Duration in years Department

  c. Details of approved Courses Being run by various recognized institutions

Note: Combination of college and courses will appear only once in the following table

Name of Line Department:--------------------

S.No. Institute Code Course Code

4. Thus, the data of recognized institutions and colleges and approved courses being run by them will be provided at state level to the portal team by the concerned line departments.

5. Once the data is provided by the concerned line department in Speard sheet or database format (to SC Dept/ST Dept/OBC Dept), it will be imported into the scholarship portal database.

6. These institutions and courses will then be available in the scholarship application form of students. Line departments will on regular basis  provide the details of the institutions and courses that are recognised on regular basis in the above formats.

7. It will NOT  be possible to add colleges at District level.

8. It will NOT be possible for institute to add courses at their level.

9. In case, the college and course does not appear in the list of Colleges and courses on portal, the college authorities will have to contact the concerned line departments.

10. As on now, Department of Higher Education has already provided the data in the required format and the same has been imported.
Other departments have NOT yet provided the data in specified format.